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V.C.M., "Book Reviews," The Idaho Statesman

March 10, 1935, p. 4

WAITING FOR NOTHING. By Tom Kromer. 188 pp. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. $2.
In which all the glamor of the old-time hobo is omitted and the reader learns what it means to be a self-admitted bum, snitching snipes from the gutter and living only for the night’s flop and the next meal. And it’ll take you only two hours to read this remarkable story written by a man who five years ago, after getting himself educated, went to Kansas to get a job which had disappeared by the time of his arrival. Back home again, no job there. The rails to California and back and since that time has been knocking around. Maybe, if he hasn’t forgotten the desire to work, this story will get him what he started out for, a job. It’s realistic enough, anyway.

Tom Kromer Digital Archive. Proudly made by students at Marshall University in Huntington, WV.

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